Protecting Terri's Sanctity of Life —Albert Mohler

The last-minute legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush sets the stage for a federal judge to review the case of Terri Schiavo. In a very real sense, this legal move simply grants Terri the same federal review that would be granted a prisoner on death row. Who could be against that?Well, consider those who now accuse Congress and the president of interfering in Michael Schiavo's effort to end his wife's life. Congress acted nobly, with both Republicans and Democrats cooperating to offer Terri another chance. President Bush was upholding our most cherished national principles when he signed the bill into law early on Monday morning.Now, humanly speaking, Terri's future is in the hands of the federal courts. Let's pray that Terri will not be starved to death and that the sanctity of human life will be honored and protected.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so sad that Terri is going through this. I have been praying for the law, and her husband to change their minds. I know I'm not the only one. If their going to let her die, then why don't they just leave the elderly to die that are placed in the nursing homes? It's practically the same thing! It is a crime to even do this to a child (starve to death). It is inhumane. The people that are judging this case I'm sure would not want their children or even animals to die this way. So we all need to stand together and pray for them to save her life.