Fear of Death

We talked about this on the show. Should a Christian be afraid of death? John Wesley (founder of the Methodist Church) questioned his own salvation when he experienced fear while facing death. But should we? We can take comfort in the saving grace of Christ but are we required to do so and does it call into question our salvation if we do fear death?


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share an interesting quote I once heard, which I think many of us could identify with. A death row inmate, who had come to know Jesus as savior while in prison, was awaiting execution and was asked if he was afraid of death. He answered, "I'm not at all afraid of death. Dying makes me a little nervous, but I do not fear death at all."


Anonymous said...

I am not afraid to die. While I'm not suicidal I welcome death. This life is full of misery. While God sends trials that we may grow. there may be another purpose. If this life were easy we would want to hang onto it.
Are we saved even if we fear. I believe we are. Our physical part of our being is programed to survive.

Anonymous said...

I believe you can be afraid to die and still be saved. Why? Because we are all naturally afraid of the unknown. Yes, we claim we believe in God and are assured of salvation, but when it all comes down to it, we really don’t know what to expect the moment we pass on from this world into the next. The scriptures give us glimpses of heaven, but the reality is that we really don’t know. Speaking for myself, I don’t like going to new places alone J. I like having someone with me to share the anxiety of this new “undertaking”. So I believe it’s absolutely normal for human beings to be afraid of dying.

Anonymous said...

I am a Christian. I know that I am saved forever. I don't fear death because I feel that God provides grace to die without fear. I have to say that the human side of me fears some of the ways that people die,i.e. the disciples.

Anonymous said...

I do not believe that a person is not truly saved if they are afraid of dying.
It is human nature to be afraid of the unknown. When you are saved, you become filled with God’s spirit, however, your human nature does not go away. Just like each of us struggles with sin everyday, we also struggle with the fear of the unknown.
As Christians, we KNOW that if we were to die right now, everything would be taken care of because God is in control. But in this life, we, as well as God, have (or feel that we have) a certain amount of control, and that is hard to let go of.
I’m not afraid of what will happen to me after I die. But I am afraid of the actual physical pain that may be involved.
The question can be taken many ways, as well. Are you afraid of the actual physical dying, what happens to you afterward or what happens to your loved ones after you are gone?
Each is answered a different way.
Thanks for you time, love the show

Anonymous said...

don’t fear dying, but I do have a huge fear of speaking live on the radio. I only fear dying a painful death. If God’s plan is for me to die, he knows best. I believe, without a doubt, that Jesus died for me so that I might someday spend eternity with him. Ahhh! What a wonderful thought! My only concern would be if both my husband and I were to die at the same time. I have 2 boys (ages 14 and 19) and don’t like to think about them being without a mom and dad. Other than that, I eagerly anticipate the day I go to Heaven and all the wonderful things that would involve.

Anonymous said...

I fear DEATH! I thought that I was saved, but now I have been questioning it. I believe Christ died for sins. I believe in Jesus is God in three persons. And there are more reasons for why I thought I am saved. but I still question it. I also pray for God to give me Faith.

Anonymous said...

I fear DEATH! I thought that I was saved, but now I have been questioning it. I believe Christ died for sins. I believe in Jesus is God in three persons. And there are more reasons for why I thought I am saved. but I still question it. I also pray for God to give me Faith.