Terri Schiavo - The Whole Story

The life and death tug-of-war over Terri Schiavo is a 12-year-old court battle that remained under the radar of most major news outlets until recently. WorldNetDaily was among the first national news organizations to cover the story back when it primarily occupied the headlines of the local press in Southwest Florida, in November 2002.
As the rest of the news world works to catch up on this complex, multifaceted, precedent-setting case, readers have asked WND about errors and glaring omissions in the current widespread media coverage. In addition, much of what WND reported in previous years is now topping headlines elsewhere, leaving readers to question why they're not finding the same details in current editions of WND.
In view of this, WorldNetDaily has decided to mine our extensive archives to compile a comprehensive analysis of the Terri Schiavo story.
You will find it here


Anonymous said...

90% of what WDN reports is fabrications.

This has been gone over and over again .. check the 2003 GAL report by Wolfson.

Why not pick a neutral news organization rather than a clearly right-winged biased outlet for lies and accusations with no substantiated F A C T.

Would be nice if you read the truth.

Shaun Pierce said...

Thanks for your suggestions. However, since it's my Blog I retain the right to decide what I post. I'd like to know what survey determined 90% of WND to be false? If you can show me that I will never post from there again. FYI: I have read, listen to, seen, heard all sides of this story.

You want the truth? HERE IT IS.... The TRUTH is we do not value life in this country. That is why a kid can shoot up his school and kill his classmates with a smile on his face, little girls can be murdered for sexual pleasure and dumped like trash, a husband can kill his wife and unbornchild because they may cramp his lifestyle, we can kill an unborn baby because it's convienent to do so, and the courts that interpret the law of the land would grant and adultrus husband the right to, and require the parents to watch, a disabled woman starve to death.

We should all hang our heads in shame.