Pittsburgh City Council Would Ban Protests Near Abortion Clinic Doors

City Council could vote as early as December 7, 2005. The bill will place serious restrictions on established First Amendment rights of pro-life citizens and sidewalk counselors at abortion facilities. Just as NARALattempted a national ad campaign misrepresenting the record of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts' as defending violence at abortion clinics, Kim Evert of Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania is fabricating the existence of violence at local abortion chambers and speculating future violence at hospitals that does not exist in order to scare thePittsburgh City Council into unwise and unconstitutional legislation.

Such legislation would endanger the FirstAmendment rights of all citizens by curtailing freedom of speech and the right to pass out political and religious literature on public sidewalks at abortion facilities.

Your help is requested to inform the conservative and church community and alert those who can to consider attending the city council meeting in Pittsburgh next Wednesday, December 7, 2005 at 10:00am in the City-County Bldg. on Grant St.,Pttisburgh. (Next door to the County Court house.) Please ask your networks to pray and call Pittsburgh City Council (412-255-2142) to express opposition to this bill and ask for public hearings should such a controversial bill proceed.

A large show of early public opposition could cause the bill to die. Lawyers for the AFA have expressed interest in challenging this bill should it become laws. The ACLU could have a role yet to be clarified. Pittsburgh pro-life activists in the immediate area will hold a roundtable meeting Friday to determine strategy for the group immediately affected.

Sincerely yours,
William Depner
Pro-life community acitivist,
Host of talk show LOVE THEM BOTH

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