Do You Wanna Puke?

Something is wrong when a man uses the death of his wife to raise money for political campaigns. Not medical research, not a foundation in her honor, but a vindictive agenda pushed by those who do not value life.

I'm talking about Michael Schiavos' TerriPAC site. When you click on the site, the important things are very clear. Michael Schiavo is the chairman. His name is part of the logo for crying out loud. His picture is on the page. Nowhere on the site is there a picture of Terri. There are 4 appeals for money one the first page alone.

What's missing is also very telling. It does not mention that Michael Schiavo had a relationship with another women. It does not say that he fought to starve his wife to death. He did not assist her in rehab efforts. It does not mention how he would not allow Terri's parents to visit her in the hospital.

Merry Christmas Michael. May Santa brong you a sense of shame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, thanks. I'd rather puke over this: