In a remarkable display of overkill, it took “a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist and internal medicine specialist” to determine Indian runner Shanti Sounderajan wasn’t female due to “more Y chromosomes than allowed.” That would ruin your day! I suggest playing Areosmiths' "Dude Looks Like A Lady" while reading the full article.



~Mark said...

One of the first things the older guys taught me when I started hanging in clubs was to always check for the presence fo an Adam's Apple, 'cause Eve shouldn't have one! :)

Shaun Pierce said...

That's not the only thing Eve should not have! Sorry I could not resist.

~Mark said...

"That's not the only thing Eve should not have! Sorry I could not resist."

~ :D

Shaun Pierce said...

Sorry if anyone was offened. The reason I have such an issue with this is because it reflects to world we live in. We have men who claim to women and women men.

Do we really need a battery of tests to determine our sex? You get angry with me but who question the sex in the first place?

This is another attempt to blur the gender lines. It should not be a chromosome count that determines your sex. That's just my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

I know where Rob is coming from with his statement, which was very well written, I don't think people understood intersex, or a lot of other things, thats why people were burned and tortured.

As for the person mentioned in the Blog, I really don't know if that person is an intersex type, I guess as we hear more about it we'll know.

Shaun Pierce said...

I'm not calling to burn or tourtue anyone here. I do think it is possible for science to hinder a the situation rather than help it.

We turn to science to create life where nature says no. We turn to science to end life when nature says yes. We have gone throught he ages without genetic testing and we have been able to say the moment a baby is born it's a boy or a girl.

Call my old fashioned but I often prefer common sense over science.

~Mark said...

Still gotta be careful in da club...