Spitzer's Girl

It's beyond my comprehension how a married man could spend $5000 on another woman and not have that noticed. If I spend 5 bucks on a cheese burger my wife notices! Elliot, what in the world were you thinking?

I'm not going to rehash everything that has been said already. (Poor wife, guy is stupid, glad I'm not him. There, done) It's a shame it ever came to this for everyone involved.

I do have to admit though, I could not help but wonder what a $5000 dollar a night woman looked like. So I put the PowerBlog investigative staff to work. (It's the tamest photo available folks) "Kristen" is really Ashley Alexandra Dupré. But wait, there's more!
Photos were not the only thing our investigative staff turned up. Ashely has another "career" she is pursuing. Singing. Why am I not surprised?

Ashley's Myspace page has been scrubbed of photos and info but we have obtained a copy of her song. So you can listen to Spitzer's Greatest Hits with out spending a dime. Ashley sings "What We Want" Go on Simon, take listen and tell us what you think.


Anonymous said...

I too wanted to know what a $1,000/hour hooker looked like. She looks like a college student with a nice body. So the next time you college boys are hooking up with a college girl, for free, smile. You're getting what some middle-aged guys pay an $1,000 an hour for...

Also, better get it free while you can cause when your middle-aged, you might have to pay for it too...

Shaun Pierce said...

I was afraid of that response....

Anonymous said...

you do know Spitzer's dad is worth about a billion dollars. So a few grand here and there on hookers is nothing.