Is North Huntingdon 'church' really disguised sex club?

Has Swingers Palace, an alleged sex club, been operating as a church out of a residence in North Huntingdon for the past seven years?

Rev. Ondrik, of Fredericktown, Washington County, says he is an ordained minister of the nondenominational adults-only Church of Spiritual Humanities, which serves "the People," not God.

Followers must be at least 21 years old to participate in the weekly service that starts at midnight on Saturdays.

The red flag went up after township officials learned about a Web site advertisement for Swinger's Palace, owned by "John and Kim" and operating at the Turner Valley Road address.
"The Web site listed charges of $75 per couple and $50 per single person. No charge for single women"

How did Rev. Ondrick become a Reverend??? Mr. Ondrik says he purchased a "deluxe ministerial kit" for $90 online. He was declared ordained, which allowed him to choose from among several ministerial titles.Although he said his father was a minister and he came from an unidentified Church of Christ, Mr. Ondrick conceded he never attended a college or theological seminary.

While most ministers don't run sex clubs, this is yet another example of phony preachers starting phony "churches".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its NOT a church been there done it.Hallelujah How I do ya