As women change their minds. But the story notes “What critics challenge are the means, the information these centers give, the methods they use and the costs they ignore.” Costs? Raising a child is costly, so kill it. Later in the story: “… some do wonder how much help will be available for these families in the years to come, with school, housing and health care, since according to the Guttmacher Institute, 3 out of 4 women contemplating abortion cite economic pressure as a reason.” (Time) From what I read, the story neglects to mention Guttmacher is an arm of the pro-abortion Planned Parenthood. On their website, Guttmacher boasts “The Institute's mission is to protect the reproductive choices of all women and men in the United States and throughout the world.” (Guttmacher) Yet Time introduces them as merely “the nonprofit Guttmacher Institute.”

1 comment:

Christina Dunigan said...

They're shooting themselves in the foot by opposing this. Even a lot of prochoicers are behind showing women ultrasounds. Let PP show their true colors.