And according to the LA Times, Hillary’s campaign is unraveling due to internal fighting. (LA Times)

Gallup has Obama’s national lead over Hillary up to 8. (Gallup)

Meanwhile, a video of Hillary saying Obama isn’t a Muslim “as far as I know.” Important to note: Those four words followed a strong denial that there’s any reason to believe he’s a Muslim. (Breitbart)

Obama was caught giving bad info about a supporter – claiming Sen. Jay Rockefeller was chairman of the Senate Intelligence committee in 2002, read the intelligence estimate and then voted against war authorization. But he wasn’t the chairman at the time and voted in favor. (FOX News)

1 comment:

The Unseen One said...

I was hoping B. Hussein Obama wrapped this thing up last night. Unfortunately, he didn't. This national fascination with him is 10 miles wide and an inch deep.