Catholic Schools Punish Students for Opposing Homosexuality

Two Catholic universities have tried to censor students during the past week for defending the church's teachings against homosexuality, actions the head of one Roman Catholic organization called "ridiculous."

One incident took place in Pittsburgh, where a Duquesne University student used an independent website to voice his opposition to a proposed "gay-straight alliance" on campus and described homosexual sex as "subhuman actions."

According to the school's website, several students complained to Duquesne's Office of Judicial Affairs, which held a hearing and concluded that Miner had violated the university's Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct by failing "to respect the rights, dignity and worth of other individuals."

A similar incident took place in Spokane, Washington, where Gonzaga University ordered students not to advertise a lecture on the medical implications of homosexual sex.The College Republicans club invited John Diggs, a physician with the Massachusetts Physicians Resource Council, to speak about "The Medical Effects of Homo-Sex" on Oct. 27.

Responding to concerns that the event might stir up anti-homosexual sentiments, university officials refused to approve the event and ordered students not to advertise it on campus.

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