An Open Letter to Anglicans

Anglicans from around the world descend on Pittsburgh this weekend. They will discuss the future of the church in light if the recent ordination of a homosexual bishop. I don't know if any Anglicans will read this post but I'd like to offer a few thoughts as a humble Roman Catholic.

I know first hand the pain one can feel, when those entrusted to watch over the souls of the flock, openly defy morals and the clear command of Scripture. The sexual abuse scandal of the Roman Catholic church swung the spotlight on the failing of individuals. Not an entire church or it's faithful members. Yet that is not the way it was presented to the world. Something very similar has happened to the Anglicans.

I believe the best way to attack the church would be to do it from the inside out. It is clear to see that every Christian denomination is now under attack in some way. It is up to the faithful lay people and clergy to stand guard at the gates. We have been promised that the the enemy will not prevail. No where in Scripture are we promised that we would not have to fight to make it so.

It would of course be my desire for this to unite all true Christians. The more believers divide and isolate themselves, the weaker we become. Yet one should not compromise Christian beliefs to inflate membership. Nor should one wavier in the interest of retaining a building or funds.

Anglicans must be aware that the fruit of this conference will not only determine the course the church will follow, it will impact countless generations. The salvation of millions is being decided. It is no less a matter. I pray that the true servants of God will prevail and the Lord will use this to bring all believers to unity.


Christian Prophet said...

Church membership in any denomination will depend on whether the leadership is staying in tune with what everyday people are hearing inside from their own Holy Spirit. We all know when a leadership position has been taken because of intellectualizing based on questionable premises. It doesn't "ring true."

Anonymous said...

"hearing inside from their own Holy Spirit" sounds distressingly Heretical. "Church leadership" fulfills it's mandate from the Holy Spirit by being faithful to what has always been believed, everywhere, by all. In fact, that is the only way it is the Church. To deveate from that is to cease being the Church. THAT is what is the problem (well, ok, that's the tip of the iceberg!) in ecusa: it has ceased to be a faithful witness.

Anonymous said...

thank you powerball for your comments. i agree with you wholeheartedly .. the church is to be a window that gives us a glimpse into the kingdom of God. unfortunately, people within the church are still sinful, and that often times darkens the witness of the church.

however, we are charged with continuing on "the Way". we have a Shepherd who is faithful and will not leave us. ever.

and with regards to the "holy spirit inside" comment by the 'christian prophet', i too am concerned by it. we must adhere to the historical christian faith, as believed by all, everywhere, at all times.

Anonymous said...

I caught the show yesterday, and I enjoyed it very much!

Isn't it sad to hear the Episcopal Bishop say, (Paraphrased) "In Catholicism it's much easier because they have the Pope who can say this is what we're doing." and "The protestant movement has always been plagued by divisions because we do not have an authority to look to."

I wanted to scream through the radio, MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE GOD KNOWS BETTER AND DESIGNED IT THAT WAY!!!

It's amazing to me the Bishop could say things like that and not connect the dots!