War on the Family

LifeSiteNews.com reported on November 8, 2005:

A Pastoral Letter from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Maryland says that a deliberate campaign by homosexual activists, left-leaning judges and the American Civil Liberties Union has been undertaken to corrode the family and its stabilizing influence in society.

The bishops’ letter states, “There was a coordinated effort of same-sex couples applying for marriage licenses in various jurisdictions throughout Maryland. The licenses were denied and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) immediately filed suit on behalf of these couples.”

It also adds that “Lawmakers recently approved bills that are seen as stepping stones of a well-organized effort to recognize same-sex marriages in Maryland by progressively awarding marriage rights to same-sex couples. The Governor appropriately vetoed these bills, but the ACLU and gay-and-lesbian advocacy groups are working to convince lawmakers to override the veto…”

The letter calls on Catholics and all those who support “sanctity and societal significance of marriage” to become involved in the political fight for marriage at the state level.

The bishops identify the underlying cause of the homosexual political revolution as the same one that created the acceptance of abortion and euthanasia. “An exaggerated emphasis on individual preferences and conveniences … to the detriment of society, have elevated these personal preferences to the level of rights and entitlements.”
The bishops go on to present and explain in the Christian context the meaning of marriage and the reasons it must be protected by all citizens of every religion or none. They warn that eliminating the meaning of marriage “to appease one group of individuals” will leave governments with no arguments against polygamy and incestuous arrangements or even marriages involving minors.
“Is this what society wants? Does this elevate the state's moral fiber? Surely not.”

Read the Pastoral Letter:http://www.mdcathcon.org/PDF_Docs/Marriage%20Pasto...

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