Now with this response from Edwards: “I think it’s important that we not reward hateful, selfish, childish behavior with attention.” (FOX News) From Hewitt: When Coulter employed the f-word to abuse a candidate, she made herself radioactive because the word is a simply invitation to hate. It was repulsive. (Townhall)


Jim Powers said...

I’ve read 4 of Coulter’s books and personally talked to her for a few moments at the PA Leadership conference in 2005. She is brilliant, and I am envious of her writing abilities. But I was disappointed in her remarks last Friday.

The Unseen One said...

Personally, I think people need to grow a thicker skin. Its amazing a large portion of the population doesn't walk around trailing their intestines behind them.

Anonymous said...

She's one of the few women who brings to my mind the term "shrill harpy".

She's one to avoid.