Pope says hell and damnation are real

Well the pope has spoken and says that hell is a real and if a person failed to "admit blame and promise to sin no more", they risked "eternal damnation - the inferno".

It's about time someone started talking about hell. Check out the Full Article


None said...

Who is going to hell for hiding droves of sexual predators in the church?

Shaun Pierce said...

I have news for you. The church is full of sinners. It is also under attack. Still, only God gets to decide a persons' fate.

Anonymous said...

re. comments made by look4keith, your statement can also hold to be true with ministers who abuse children, camp counselors, teachers, etc. why limit your accusations to the predators in the church?

Anonymous said...

I think that sexual abuse goes on in all walks of life, most of it goes unnoticed because the news media doesn't make a circus out of it. I found a list of sexual abuse cases in all different demoninations of faiths, over the span of many years.

Anonymous said...

Its always the Catholic Church that gets picked upon because of sexual predators, look around in other areas and walks of like, its not publicized as much because it seems to me that the news is biased against Catholics.

None said...

I wasn't making an accusation, I was asking a question. I bring up the question because the people that the pope seems to be addressing are non-believers or skeptics who have a difficult time believing anything hopeful from the Catholic church simply because it refuses to address its own problems with honor and honesty. Once the church can address its own issues with integrity, it will begin to heal to communities and gain favor from the people it hopes to recruit.

Anonymous said...

I feel that the church has addressed its problems with honor and honesty, look around at some of the other churhes who have the same problems with ministers who cheat on their wives, bilk people out of money, drink, gamble, etc.