Farewell Penguins

Despite all efforts (or lack thereof) the Pens are leaving Pittsburgh. No it's not official, but a very reliable source told me over month ago there was little hope of staying. I did not report it because I was hoping things would change. What was I thinking?

I can't blame them a bit. I'm not personally in favor of any public funding for any sports teams. If you can pay your team million of dollars you should have money to foot the bill. That reasoning should however apply to all 3 Pittsburgh sports teams. Not just one. If it were up to me not a dime of tax money would be in either of our two new stadiums.

Yet who can blame the Pens for wanting the same deal? Mario has been abused by our state leaders. He has been mislead and outright lied to. The team would already be gone if not for his efforts. The mistake they made us cutting a deal for any team.

The Rendell plan to fund utopia with slots funds is a pipe dream. You must be a fool to think you can solve all the funding issues, property tax reform and build a new sports arena simply by plugging in a slot machine. And since when is mixing gambling and professional sports teams a good idea? Someone owes Pete Rose an apology.

So since Gov. Rendell likes to gamble I have a bet for him. I'll bet you the Kansas City Penguins will be on the ice next season.

Thank you Mario for all that you have done for Pittsburgh. I'm sorry you got screwed but I wish you the best in your new home.

Anyone want to buy a used arena?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, poorMario couldn't get the same rip-off-the-city deal the other teams got.
