Scranton Out

Former Lt. Governor Bill Scranton will end his campaign for the Republican nomination for Governor. He will reportedly announce his decision Tuesday evening. Lynn Swann remains the endorsed presumed nominee, which opposition from Jim Panyard.

Bill ScrantonStatement

"For the past two years I have traveled Pennsylvania, a state Maryla and I love and are proud to call home. I’ve been to every one of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. From rural fire companies and American Legion halls to the great urban centers of Pennsylvania, I’ve taken my blueprint for a state that can once again be a thriving home to this generation’s leading edge entrepreneurs and opportunity seekers.

I have spoken plainly and at times forcefully, about the need for Pennsylvania to change the way it does business. Lowering heavy tax loads, shrinking the size of a bloated state government, and rolling back the regulatory burden on hard working families and job creators have been hallmark issues of my campaign for change.

I’ve also challenged the status quo by standing with the people for clean government and honest reform. I believe Pennsylvania deserves a government that does its business openly, and in the clear light of day. Public service is the highest calling and it is the first duty of elected leaders to conduct the people’s business with integrity.

My campaign for governor has been about renewing Pennsylvania and calling on the leaders of the Republican Party to return to our historic platform of limited government and personal responsibility.

Without these changes, Republicans risk losing the confidence of the people and Pennsylvania’s stalled return to greatness may never occur.

Against the backdrop of these deeply held convictions and the growing realization that Pennsylvania’s Republican establishment is opposed to my call for an open primary, I have determined that my chances of success are minimal in mounting a grassroots campaign effort.

While I am confident in our hopeful message of reform and renewal, I am less convinced in our ability to win the all important precinct-by-precinct battles against the operational resources of the state party.

Our campaign is strong, but not strong enough to defeat a candidate who has received the near unanimous backing of state and national party leaders.

I am grateful for the overwhelming support from thousands of committed friends and loyal supporters. Their hearts, their financial investment and their personal commitment to me and this cause mean more than I can fully express. Maryla and I are thankful for the friendships made and those renewed along the way – We will never forget the many sacrifices made on our behalf.

I wish the very best to Lynn Swann and Jim Panyard as they continue their quest for the Republican nomination. I commit today to extend my full, unequivocal support to the nominee that emerges in May.

Finally, I am truly convinced that the movement to transform our state and rebuild confidence in the Republican Party will not end with my exit from the primary election field. The passion and energy from thousands of activist citizens will go on until Pennsylvania’s Comeback is complete. I look forward to being an active participant in this great cause. Thank You."

1 comment:

The Unseen One said...


Oh well. I'll throw my support behind Swann now. He has a better chance of defeating Rendell anyway.