Probe Carbon Offsets, Congressmen Say

( - For those who support it, it offers the reward of "carbon neutrality" without having to lower one's standard of living. To critics, it allows guilt-free pollution. Either way, the burgeoning carbon offset industry needs more oversight, say two members of Congress. Read more…

Let me pay carbon credits for my huge carbon footprint to a company that I have a financial interest in, while telling you to do with one piece of toilet paper.


The Unseen One said...

The whole carbon offset thing is just another way to amplify social elitism. Those who are already wealthy can afford to live as they please, while those who are striving to make it in the world are going to be hurt. It is like high income taxes. High income taxes hurt those of us who are trying to get wealthy, while people like John Kerry pay a lower percentage of taxes than I do.

If you REALLY want to punish the rich, have an asset tax on those who earn less than 10 times their total worth. THEN we'll see the elite liberals scream. Heh heh.

Jim Powers said...

Interesting idea! But might need to make sure that farmers are not calculated on their land value as part of their assets, or they may fall into this category.

Maybe a flat tax could help correct this imbalance.

Jim Powers said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim Powers said...

Sorry, I accidentally posted twice, and tried to remove the second duplicate. Good thing I’m not a real blogger, I better keep my day job!