It’s Not What You Know, It’s How You Feel

Since I have a daughter entering college in the fall, I am especially “on edge” knowing that the values that I am trying to instill in her may be under attack by those who simply hate Western Culture and Biblical Principles.

In a Post Gazette story regarding Grove City College, which is one of the few bright spots where honest discourse and free speech are honored and respected, Jack Kelly writes:

My daughter attended the University of Colorado. She took a geography course her freshman year. In that course she and her classmates learned that white people are responsible for every bad thing that's ever happened in Rwanda. But at the end of the course, many still couldn't find Rwanda on a map. And this was a geography course.

This is profound. After taking this college course, the students were still geographically ignorant. After taking this college course, the students were also factually ignorant. Evidently the inter-tribal slaughter between Tutsis and Huto tribes had nothing to do with almost a million Rwandan deaths.

Absent of any cognitive facts, all that is left for the students are “feelings” - feelings based on false premises and ignorance.

1 comment:

The Unseen One said...

No, its that the white people could have PREVENTED it by enacting global socialist policies and throwing money at the problem (which never seems to work anyway). However, since they didn't, it is all their fault, right?

Personally, I'd demand a refund from the college if my son / daughter received anything higher than a C in the class and couldn't locate Rowanda on a map.