Remarkably, a senior adviser to Pelosi admitted "Conservative radio is a huge threat and political advantage for Republicans and we have had to find a way to limit it. Second, it looks like the Republicans are going to have someone in the presidential race who has access to media in ways our folks don't want, so we want to make sure the GOP has no advantages going into 2008."

Then this from the story: Pelosi and her team are focused on several targets in the fight, including Rush Limbaugh and the Salem Radio Network. In fact, Kucinich's staff has begun investigating Salem, one of the fastest growing radio networks in the country, which features such popular -- and highly rated -- conservative hosts as Bill Bennett and Michael Medved, and Christian hosts such as Dr. Richard Land. "They are identifying senior employees, their political activities and their political giving," says a Government Reform committee staffer. "Salem is a big target.” (American Spectator)

From Hugh Hewitt: I invited Speaker Pelosi to appear on the program to discuss just this specific issue, an invitation that was declined. Her press secretary, Drew Hammill, wrote back to tell us that the story is "false" and that we could quote him on that subject. It would be very easy for the Speaker to put this one to bed quickly and with a short announcement or interview stating that she will not support the return of censorship to the airwaves. She hasn't. You can draw your own conclusions and watch for the introduction of the legislation attempting to outlaw criticisms of the Democrats. (Townhall)


The Unseen One said...

That is absolutely disgusting! So much for the vaunted leftist ideal of "Free Speech!"

The more insane they get, the lower Congress' approval rating. I remember saying in 2006 that the leftists winning both houses of congress was a very good thing for the Republicans in 2008.

Shaun Pierce said...

I doubt this will pass but it would be a sad day if it ever does. You would hear the American conversation drasticly change.

We have reached the point that anyone who disagrees must be silenced. I'd rather hear from those who disagree then have to guess who they are.