I don't know what draws me more a candidate. The sight of one downing a shot and a beer or one who wants to save me money.

McCain has pitched an idea here in Pittsburgh that I call for everytime my gas gauge hits "E" He want to wants the federal government to free people from paying gasoline taxes this summer. Yippee!!!! What we are paying at the pump is outragous and it's impacts everything.

Despite the jump on gas prices rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton say they would impose the single largest tax increase since World War II by allowing tax cuts pushed to passage by President Bush to expire. (FOX News)

Meanwhile, the Washington Post has noticed Obama has gone back on a promise. From the story: We praised Mr. Obama last year when he asked the Federal Election Commission to let him raise private money for the general election but later give the money back and decide to participate in the public financing system if he were able to persuade the Republican nominee to do the same. In that circumstance, Mr. Obama's spokesman vowed, he would "aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election." Well, the Republican nominee turns out to be John McCain, who agreed way back when to Mr. Obama's challenge. Where's Mr. Obama's aggressive pursuit now? (Washington Post)

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