When Was the Last Time Clinton Went to Church or Fired a Gun?

(CNS News) On Sunday, a reporter asked Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) when she had last attended church or fired a gun. "That is not a relevant question for this debate," Clinton said. "We can answer that some other time. I went to church on Easter, so ... but that is not what this is about."

I agree that asking a candidate if he / she has recently fired a gun is not relevant to supporting or not supporting the Second Amendment. But the church question is relevant, especially when Hillary spent the weekend trying to reach the “religious vote”.

1 comment:

Chris Dickson, F.L.A. said...

Keep up the good fight! I'll bet the last time she fired a gun was to wipe out two enemy pill boxes in Bosnia. Perhaps that's why the troops nicknamed her helicopter "Broomstick One!"