Jesse Jackson: Compensate Katrina Victims

Rev. Jesse Jackson is calling for the creation of a Hurricane Katrina Victims Compensation Fund that could dole out tens of billions of dollars to New Orleans flood victims over and above the $60 billion already appropriated by Congress for reconstruction.

"We need a Hurricane Victims Fund to provide resources to the affected people and families, based on the same compensation and assistance formula of the 9/11 Victims Fund," Jackson says on his Rainbow/Push web site.

Powerball says: Mr. Jackson ( I will not call him Rev.) 9/11 was the result of a terrorist attack. Katrina was a tragic storm but an act of nature. Should every person who suffers an tornado, flood, snow storm or heatwave be paid? And where is this money coming from sir? I would suggest you sell all the assets of Rainbow/Push and give it to the people you deem qualified before you call for public funding of another entitlement program.

1 comment:

Jim Sandoval said...

Hey, I stubbed my toe this morning. Can I expect a government check???