Welcome to the "Golden Triangle Casino"

There was a big squawk about elected officials owning a stake in gaming interests. That would be a conflict of interest that shouted! So the put a 1% cap on ownership. Even Jerome Bettis got caught up in the mess over some investment he made and the conflict of professional sports and gambling.

Despite the tapdance some have done over the issue Pittsburgh Mayor Tom Murphy is considering letting city government own and operate a slots casino downtown. Could there possibly be a conflict there Mr. Mayor?

This is a city that is so broke it has two teams trying to pull it out of the hole that mismanagement has dug over the years. Yet they want to spend $50 million of taxpayer money to buy a license for a slots parlor. Follow me on this..... You pay state and local taxes. Some of your state taxes has been given to the city to bail them out of a mess. The city is then going to take that money and give it back to the state to open a slots casino. The money made from the losers at the casino will then go back to the city and state in which it will again be mismanaged and fund education by reducing your property taxes by about $300. $50 million for $300 buck could only sound like a good deal to the Mayor.

For those of you keeping score, the state will run all the liquor stores and the city would run the gambling. Even the Mafia would be jealous of this deal.

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

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