In our ongoing effort to make sure you don't forget how our elected officals treated us in PA by passing a pay raise for themsleves in the middle of the night, we have added "Remember in Novemeber" to the marquee of this site. You will see that simple slogan appear right up to election day.

In that same spirit, the "Rock the Capital" rally is scheduled for Monday, September 26, 2005, from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. Music and a visual feast of political props will be featured before citizens enter the Capitol to meet and greet their representatives.

"The definition integrity is doing the right thing when no one is looking. The definition of arrogance is doing the wrong thing when everyone is looking. The definition of insanity is acting as if your arrogance has some sort of integrity. I guess that makes our law makers insanely arrogant."

To find out more go here.

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